Sunday, April 19, 2009

Move on over to Runyan Fitness



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 10 and beyond

Runfatboyrunyan has a new name and new home: is forwarded to the new address until the domain expires but please visit from now on.

Also this blog will move to a new location and I'll post the link here soon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 9

This week made up for last week. I lost the weight that I gained last week but the body measurements still haven't changed much. The reason for this is I haven't had a balanced workout in a while. By balanced I mean that I've focused primarily on the upper body and have neglected the lower half. I've had good cardio on the days that I run but I've avoided leg workouts for a while now for two reasons (Neither of which is a good reason btw): 1. I'm afraid it will make my cardio sessions bad because of the "rubber-leg" issue the 2 days after working legs. 2. I hate working legs. I always have hated it and it's tough to get back to forcing myself to hit my legs hard. Even at the beginning of this current journey, my leg workouts were like going through the motions and not hitting them really hard. I know I need to do this. I need to focus just as hard with my legs as I do my chest but I'm just like most guys...we hate working legs and wish we could just lay there and press barbells all workout. :)

During week 8 when I gained the 2 pounds wasn't because I fell off the wagon. I actually did most things right. I did have pizza on Wednesday but along with eating right the rest of the week and good workouts, I shouldn't have gained weight. There are two possibilities for why this did happen however. First of all, and I feel this is very important, your mind needs to be in the game when you are working out. If you aren't pushing yourself and focusing on the muscle you are working then you end up just going through the motions. I wasn't sore at all that week and it's because I wasn't pushing myself and I just went through the motions. You need to really be there and target those muscles and feel it work if you want to make progress. The other reason that could have been a factor was just the simple point that weight fluctuates all over. You weigh different throughout the day and that fluctuation can make you think you did something wrong. That's why it's good to never get down just because of one bad reading on the scales. Look at the overall trend of your weight before getting upset or changing your program.

I'm hoping this week is better with my leg workouts and that I focus hard on the rest. I have to go out of town this Friday and it will be tough to maintain focus with tempting bad food around but I'm going to do my best and the site will be updated next Sunday evening when I get back. Have a good week everyone, watch what you're eating...summer is right around the corner. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

week 8

Well this last week didn't turn out as I had hoped. I'll post later with more ideas as to why the progress wasn't there but a lot of it has to do with the body getting accustomed to workout routines and how things need to be changed up once in a while. More on that later but the measurements are posted as is Rick vs Brad.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

measurements are up

The website has been updated with week 7 results. I'm just happy I didn't gain weight given what happened that week (see below post for details)

Also check out Rick vs Brad. Everything is posted to the site.

After weeks like this, it's important to maintain focus more than ever. Don't let one bad week knock you completely away from your goals. What's done is done. Focus on the next week and push towards your goals with no stopping!

week 7

Weeks like this one come all the time and what matters is how we react to them. Let me explain. There were layoffs at work last Wednesday and I was close to being included. After the news, I went to lunch and didn't care about what I ate. So we went to Golden Corral and I started with salad with little dressing and grilled chicken, but I didn't stay with that. I had 3 more trips to get all kinds of fatty foods. Then followed up with hitting the dessert bar pretty hard. I didn't drink my protein shake in the afternoon because I wasn't hungry (this shows that I definitely ate too much since I should be hungry every 3 hours if I ate the perfect amount). Then for dinner I had chicken wings, sugar cookies, fudge, and beer. That day sucked.

Thursday I was working from home and there were the leftovers of the cookies and brownies so of course I ate them. Also didn't drink much water at all this day.

Friday I had lost focus for the week because of all the slips so far and it was hard to stay motivated. I ate pizza at the bar for lunch on Sunday while I watched the KU game.

As far as workouts go, I started the week great with some solid weightlifting and a little cardio. I didn't workout Wednesday, Thursday or Friday until I played ice hockey on Friday night...first attempt at that.

Saturday I came back around a bit, which is amazing given my history with bad weeks getting to me. I had a solid weightlifting session and cardio. I ate good up until the afternoon and then I didn't eat anymore. I felt bad about the junk I put in my system and also didn't feel like going out to get some healthy food so I didn't eat at all. Let me tell you right now, that is NOT smart. Odds are I started burning some muscle while I did't fuel my body with the nutrients it needed.

So to sum it up, stress got to me a bit and slowed my progress but the good news is that it didn't slow me much...AND I was able to get a good workout on Saturday instead of just waiting for the next week to focus again. So I'm happy with that.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rick vs Brad week 6

The results are up and it it still a VERY close race even after 6 weeks. We are both losing at the perfect rate of around 2 pounds a week so there is a better chance we are losing fat and not water or long as our diet allows for growth of new muscle. :) Anyway, head over to:

to see the latest after 6 weeks. So far so good but summer is coming right around the corner.